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Orwell saw Big Elon coming
1984 predicts a world divided between oligarchies…it looks scarily like 2025

It’s one of the longest running arguments in science fiction
Wherever dudes with wrap-around shades and a gun collection meet vegans with Phds in social justice warriorship
the accusations fly
George Orwell intended Nineteen Eighty-Four as a condemnation of … !
Left wing Stalinism? Right wing fascism?
Orwell was a lifelong committed socialist, which leads many socialists to believe that 1984 couldn’t possibly be a condemnation of his own side.
But Orwell’s experiences of Stalinist purges during his time fighting the Spanish civil war lead him to hate the reality of socialism.
But to understand what Orwell really feared we need to look at a short essay in which Orwell explains his ideas in clear and simple terms.
An essay in which Orwell coined the term “Cold War”
And laid out the logical basis for the nightmare of 1984.
“We have before us the prospect of two or three monstrous super-states, each possessed of a weapon by which millions of people can be wiped out in a few seconds, dividing the world between them”