Praise Space Jesus
Member preview of the shooting script for my upcoming Interstellar essay
I’m working hard to get myself martyred.
But whether it will be at the hands of fundamentalist conservative Christians, or transhumanist adherents of the Church of Scientism…well…you be the judge.
Members of the Science Fiction podcast community can now read the full shooting script for my next video essay Interstellar Is A Religious Experience. I actually think this is the best balanced piece I have written on the role of science fiction as mediating space between science and religion.
Members will also get the full audio commentary on this episode The New Religions of Scifi which will drop on the members RSS feed a few days after the video essay.
That’s on top of access to my courses, the full podcast archive and other bits n’ bobs. So if you’re enjoying the community and are yet to support as a member, this is a great time to join.
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